KPMG Law and KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft advised YER Global B.V. (YER), a portfolio company of private equity investor Inflexion, on the acquisition of all shares in AVANTGARDE Experts GmbH and AVANTGARDE Talents GmbH.
Founded in 1987, YER is an international staffing and recruitment agency based in the Netherlands with offices in the USA, Belgium, and Germany. In Germany, YER specialises in the support and execution of technical projects, including the provision and placement of highly qualified technical, support, and management staff as well as their deployment on projects.
Founded in 2007, AVANTGARDE Group is a provider of academic staffing, with a talent pool of around 200,000 candidates in thirteen skill areas.
In relation to the transaction, which was consummated on 24 June 2024, KPMG Law conducted the legal due diligence, provided legal advice on the drafting and negotiation of the underlying transaction documentation, and prepared the merger control filings. KPMG Law worked closely together with the tax advisors and the deal advisory team of KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, who carried out the tax and financial due diligence and advised on tax and financial items of the transaction documentation.
Advisors to YER Group:
KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH:
Dr. Christian Hensel (Partner, lead), Cilem Aksu-Aflatoon (Senior Manager), Frank Kafka (Senior Manager), Maximilian Weiß (Senior Associate), Alexander Barynskyy (Senior Associate, all Corporate/M&A, Nuremberg), Dr. Jonas Brueckner (Partner, Antitrust Law, Berlin), Dr. Martin Trayer (Partner), Silke Neumann (Manager), Franciska Kieft (Associate, all Labour Law, Frankfurt am Main), Lana Dachlauer-Baron (Senior Associate, IT/Data Protection, Nuremberg), Mark Holzer (Senior Associate, IT/Data Protection, Frankfurt am Main).
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft:
Wouter Moet (Partner, Deal Advisory, Amsterdam), Nathalie Luong (Partner), Christin Müller (Partner), Jendrik Münstermann (Senior Manager), Roman Matveev (Assistant Manager), Jan Weis (Associate, all Deal Advisory, Frankfurt am Main), Florian Geiger (Partner), Julius Bitter (Manager), Pietro Contissa (Associate, all Tax, Stuttgart).
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