
Protecting Value

The Intellectual Property Report of KPMG Law 2022/23

About Protecting Value – The Intellectual Property Report of KPMG Law 2022/23

In light of today’s fast-changing and complex business environment, innovative ideas are of increasing advantage for competitive businesses. Intellectual property is therefore of incredible value in order to maintain a thriving business. Hence, it is crucial to consider best practices of daily challenges such as staffing, cost reduction and outsourcing practices when it comes to the organization of your IP department. KPMG Law recognizes the importance of determining current trends and KPIs within IP departments and launches “Protecting value – the KPMG Law Intellectual Property Report” in the first half of 2022. This global benchmarking initiative will provide valuable insights into the most crucial aspects of managing an efficient and modern IP department. Questions regarding the organization of the IP work, activities in the IP department, cooperation with law firms and current developments and trends in the IP department will be evaluated. This tool will allow you to benchmark your organization in relation to other survey participants on numerous aspects of the IP department. Furthermore, this can help determine future strategies, as well as enable you to adjust organizations and processes in the most efficient manner. The unique questionnaire was developed in cooperation with an advisory board of 17-IP experts from renowned companies to ensure the relevance and reliability of the results.

Downloads & Surveys:

Protecting Value – The Intellectual Property Report 2022/23

The report provides you with information on the trends and best practices of IP departments of international companies.

Survey: Protecting value – The Intellectual Property Report of KPMG Law 2022 / 23

For the sixth time, with the „the Intellectual Property Report of KPMG Law 2022/23“ KPMG Law is seeking insights into the daily challenges of Heads of IP of globally operating companies and how they handle them. The survey focuses on topics such as strategy, the organization and activities of IP departments, trends and developments as well as valuable cost and performance indicators. This instrument will allow you to benchmark yourself against your global peers and see where you stand in comparison. Interested in finding out more? Take part in the survey and receive a complimentary copy.

IP Benchmarking Product Sheet

How does your IP department measure up when being compared to you individual peers? We offer an extensive and industry-proven benchmarking for your IP function.

Interested in finding more about the report? Watch the video here:

Members of the Advisory Board

Our survey is developed in cooperation with an advisory board of 14 IP-experts of well-known international companies, in order to guarantee the relevance and accuracy of the results.


Alissa Zeller

Alissa Zeller

Senior Vice President Global Intellectual Property

Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH

Dr. Jörg Thomaier

Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH
Dr. Jörg Thomaier

Managing Director

Clariant Produkte GmbH

Norbert Schwenk

Clariant Produkte GmbH
Norbert Schwenk

Global Head of IP Management

Global Head of IP Management

Dr. Roman Bonn

Global Head of IP Management
Dr. Roman Bonn

Vice President Intellectual Property

Daimler AG

Klaus Mannsperger

Daimler AG
Klaus Mannsperger

Director Intellectual Property, Trends & Innovation

Evonik Industries AG

Arne Lang

Evonik Industries AG
Arne Lang

Head of IP Management

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

Dr. Uwe Over

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Dr. Uwe Over

Head of IP

Infineon Technologies AG

Peter Berg

Infineon Technologies AG
Peter Berg

Head of IP 

Koninklijke Philips N.V.

Frank Heldens

Koninklijke Philips N.V.
Frank Heldens

Head of Finance, Philips Intellectual Property & Standards


Andreas Bong

Andreas Bong

Partner Legal Process & Technology

Robert Bosch GmbH

Dr. Jürgen Koch

Robert Bosch GmbH
Dr. Jürgen Koch

Head of IP

Safran Group

Jean-Marc Brunel

Safran Group
Jean-Marc Brunel

Global Head of Intellectual Property Management

Siemens AG

Michael Gollwitzer

Siemens AG
Michael Gollwitzer

Head of IP

Syngenta International AG

Filip de Corte

Syngenta International AG
Filip de Corte

Head Intellectual Property Crop Protection

Head Intellectual Property Crop Protection

Dr. Stephan Wolke

Head Intellectual Property Crop Protection
Dr. Stephan Wolke

Head of Intellectual Property & Services

Your contact person

Dr. Anna-Kristine Wipper

Leiterin Technologierecht

Heidestraße 58
10557 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 530199731

Patrick Dornheim


THE SQUAIRE Am Flughafen
60549 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 69 951195-957

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