KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (KPMG Law) and KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (KPMG) have audited heptus 391. GmbH (heptus), which is the parent company of Syserso Networks GmbH (Syserso Networks) and a portfolio company of Chequers Capital, on the acquisition of SHD System- Haus-Dresden GmbH (SHD).
SHD’s business focus in Germany is the development of managed IT infrastructure and process digitization. The range of services includes consulting, implementation and managed services for critical IT infrastructures. The customers are mainly public authorities and private companies with a high demand for business-critical and secure IT infrastructure services. The company was founded in 1990, has 156 employees and is represented at five locations (Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and Spremberg) in Germany.
Syserso Networks, based in Hanover, Germany, has been an independent systems integrator and service provider for telecommunications providers, utilities and operators of critical IT and telecommunications networks for 25 years. Chequers Capital has been a majority shareholder in Syserso Networks since 2021 and has now acquired Dresden-based IT expert SHD.
Chequers Capital is one of the oldest private equity investors in Europe. Founded in 1973, the company manages assets of around two billion euros and, with 26 investment specialists, is a major player in the European mid-cap private equity market. Chequers Capital invests in industrial companies, B2B service providers, the ITC sector, the healthcare industry and global companies with development potential, among others.
KPMG Law was responsible for the legal due diligence, advised on the structuring, the purchase agreement and its execution as well as on the warranty & indemnity insurance. In this context, KPMG Law worked with a cross-location team primarily from the areas of corporate law, business and commercial law, employment law, banking and capital markets law, compliance, data protection law, real estate law, IP and IT law, antitrust law and public law.
KMPG was responsible for the tax due diligence and tax advice on the purchase agreement.
Consultants heptus 391. Ltd:
KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH: Dr. Daniel Kaut, LL.M. (Partner),
Dr. Frank Kafka
(Senior Manager, joint lead),
Dr. Ian Maywald
Sebastian Seibold
(Senior Manager), Thomsen Miles (Associate), Alexandra Marchl (Associate) all Corporate/M&A;
Annette Susanne Lionnet
(Senior Manager),
Nicole Bohn
(Manager), both business and commercial law;
Dr. Martin Trayer
(Partner), Nora Matthaei (Manager),
Silke Neumann
Dr. Julian Cahn
(Manager), all labor law;
Christoph Meyer
(Senior Manager),
Robert Kuhn
(Senior Manager), Banking and Capital Markets Law;
Thomas Giering
(Senior Manager), Compliance; Francois Heynike LL.M. (Partner), Marie-Valentine Goffin (Senior Associate), Marc Holzer (Senior Associate), all IT and data protection law; Michael Neher (Senior Manager), Real Estate Law;
Anna Wipper
Dr. Thomas Beyer
(Senior Manager), both IP Law;
Dr. Gerrit Rixen
Dr. Hannes Schwinn
(Senior Manager),
Jacqueline Unkelbach
(Manager), all Antitrust; Kai Wischnat (Senior Manager),
Dr. Magnus Auer
(Manager), Public Law
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft: Ulrich Tobias Ackert (Partner), Roman Meissner (Senior Manager), both Tax
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