The demands of legislation on companies are constantly increasing worldwide – and the demands on legal departments are rising accordingly. Three effects can be seen as the cause: ever more and ever more detailed regulation meets ever greater budget pressure with ever greater opportunities for digitization.
At the same time, technological progress, the opening up of new markets and the megatrend of digitalization mean that the legally relevant steps within a company are becoming increasingly complex and extensive, making them more difficult to take into account. Taken in isolation, this development is not particularly surprising. All the more remarkable, however, is the often significant discrepancy between the workload and the available human resources. The diagnosis is therefore: cost-cutting targets and staff reductions demand greater efficiency from legal departments – while at the same time maintaining a continuously high quality of work. A Gordian knot – but we at KPMG Law can help you cut it.
The essential prerequisite for this: in order to improve the effectiveness of the legal department, the existing tasks must first be subjected to a review. So-called LegalTech solutions – legal solution approaches on a digital basis – can then help automate certain activities. The result: simple processes are taken care of by the algorithm – so you are relieved and gain time and capacity to deal with complex legal issues.
KPMG Law is the market leader in LegalTech and combines legal and technological expertise in a multidisciplinary consulting approach. In this way, we can guide you on your way to an efficient and technology-supported legal department.
Legal departments are occasionally faced with the challenge that a task is very complex and requires special know-how. But the company cannot maintain this within its own structures. Other tasks, on the other hand, are very extensive and cost legal or compliance departments a lot of time, even though they could be handled much more efficiently with digital tools and the corresponding know-how. This is where our experts come into play, who bring not only legal but also economic and technical know-how to the table. Because we have the specialists that companies often do not have for cost reasons – and we are happy to take on your tasks. In doing so, the essential work steps are handed over to us and you benefit from our process standards, templates, work models and IT solutions, but always retain control over your business transactions.
The lawyers in our Managed Services advise companies on all issues related to relieving the burden on their legal or compliance departments. With our nationwide team, a competent and knowledgeable contact person is available to you at all times – regardless of whether you want to relieve your legal function in its entirety (outsourcing) or in parts (outtasking).
Our managed services include:
Legal Operations Consulting aims to make the legal department faster, more efficient and even more risk aware. It is about transforming the legal department – away from a reactive, non-transparent service that is often perceived as slow and expensive, to a forward-looking business partner.
Essential for this evolution is the right strategy. We review with you what impact the strategies of the individual business units will have on your service and which requests of tomorrow are already emerging today. We integrate these into a sustainable organizational model.
Well-designed processes form the core of fast and high-quality service. By analyzing and redesigning current processes (supported by technology), we achieve significant efficiency gains. Based on strategic relevance, complexity and risk potential, we define a new internal and external service portfolio and assign clear responsibilities to all tasks. We develop a robust return on investment forecast for new measures to reduce budget constraints. And we work with you to implement effective KPIs to measure the legal department.
In short, we reposition your lawyers from back-end operations to a forward-thinking, strategic function and an indispensable part of the decision-making process.
The prerequisite for this is a functioning operating system, a target operating model, which regulates the necessary structural and procedural organizational measures. Don’t worry: we’ll deliver it.
Our consulting services for legal departments are:
Don’t lose sight of project goals in day-to-day business? Keeping track of all stakeholders, assigning tasks efficiently and keeping an eye on the budget? These sound like challenges that we can support you with.
The changing framework conditions associated with globalization and digitalization are bringing with them increasingly complex projects within legal departments. Keeping a full overview of these projects and managing them in parallel alongside the demanding day-to-day business can be challenging. Especially due to the high organizational effort with corresponding personnel commitment, the successful implementation of projects is often not possible at all or only inefficiently. We support you with professional legal project management – on a personnel and/or digital level – so that you can concentrate fully on your core tasks.
We develop a comprehensive project concept and provide continuous support in the design and implementation of your projects. In addition to a schedule and budget, this includes planning and coordinating resources, actively linking information and project stakeholders, and effective team communication. Through permanent project documentation as well as continuous project controlling, we keep an eye on your goals.
With our team of experienced lawyers and certified project managers, we combine legal expertise with the necessary project management tools. In order to successfully carry out complex legal projects, we use innovative project management tools as a central control element in addition to modern project management techniques. In addition, we can fall back on our Shared Delivery Center at any time to provide extensive projects with the necessary personnel resources.
Legal departments often face temporary peaks in workload, for example in the form of special projects. Often there are not enough or sufficiently qualified employees available for this. In addition to the use of resources, there is also an increasing need in many cases for the use of technology and efficient processes in processing. We are able to cushion such peak loads by keeping sufficient resources with the appropriate competencies on hand, using technology in a targeted manner, and working with clear process definitions. Our service portfolio includes, among others, the management of mass proceedings, claim and complaint management as well as support in transaction processes.
Typical areas of application for our hub support are:
In a changing corporate world, legal departments also sometimes reach the limits of their capabilities. Increasing demands with constant or even dwindling resources lead to overloads – and as a result to declining quality. With the many years of experience of our lawyers – for example in contract management, investment management or in the efficient communication of policy content using the necessary technological solutions – we relieve your legal department and thus support you on your way to greater efficiency. During the realization of such a project we put a special focus on the fact that as a basis for individual software solutions technologies serve, which are already implemented in the enterprise, so that the development expenditure remains temporally and materially as small as possible. These specifications are ensured, among other things, through the use of no-code or low-code development platforms.
The advantage for you: Your legal department creates capacity for its actual tasks by outsourcing time- and resource-consuming mass business and can concentrate on its demanding day-to-day business. And by focusing on core tasks, the quality of their work increases at the same time.
Our Solutions in the area of LegalTech are:
The demands on legal departments are increasing: Processes in companies are becoming more complex, AI is becoming increasingly relevant and working methods are changing. How do I position myself optimally as a legal department in this environment? Our legal department report "Right to progress" provides answers.
For the tenth time, the survey at hand addresses Legal Departments of globally operating companies.
The Intellectual Property Report of KPMG Law 2022 / 23
Der Bericht stellt transparent Informationen zu Leistungskennzahlen, Trends und Strategien von Schweizer Rechtsabteilungen dar.
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Solution Line Head Legal Corporate Services
Head of IT & Innovation
Heidestraße 58
10557 Berlin
tel: +49 341 22572529
Head of Legal Operations & Technology Services
Tersteegenstraße 19-23
40474 Düsseldorf
tel: +49 211 4155597160
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