
We invest in your professional development, because it is your future – and our capital. That’s why we attach great importance to training and continuing education. Through a wide range of continuing education programs, we offer you attractive prospects and career opportunities. We promote your strengths so that you can contribute and use your strengths effectively in our client work. You can use our training formats to help you develop skills and competencies that match your professional and personal development. Training formats are digital, face-to-face and hybrid, covering, for example, rhetoric, technical English, client meetings or strategy.


Naturally we will support you to acquire your specialist lawyer title and, where applicable, with completing other professional examinations. Our HR processes and decisions are transparent and your potential career paths are proactively indicated to you in discussions with your direct manager. In addition to our training structures, you can take advantage of the wide range of training opportunities offered by KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft. These include, for instance, the Talents@EmergingLeader program, which provides targeted support for the personal development of colleagues with outstanding potential through exclusive training, networking events and coaching formats. Or the Senior Grading Track, which prepares prospective partners for the next stage of their career through extensive feedback as well as special and individual development measures.


In addition to our customized training program Growing@KPMG Law, our established formats for your professional and personal development include the Legal Trek mobility program. We use this program to send senior associates and managers with outstanding performance for a three-month period abroad at an international KPMG location. This fosters our international orientation and cooperation with the global KPMG network in 155 countries. It also provides unforgettable experiences as “trekkers” not only learn about the legal practices of the respective country but also expand their horizons on a private level. For interdisciplinary collaboration, it is important to think outside the box and to be able to embark on unfamiliar approaches.

Training and development programs at KPMG Law

  • 1. Feedback and exchange

    Communication and a continuous exchange of information are very important to us. Constructive feedback creates scope for optimization. Accordingly, we rely on various formats to strengthen our feedback culture and provide the necessary framework for dialog among colleagues. These include, for example, “FeedForward 360°” feedback for managers or our annual global employee survey.

  • 2. Attractive learning formats

    Through regular training, workshops and further training, you will continue to develop with us. Our offer ranges from classroom training to virtual training and e-learning. With agile learning methods and innovative self-study formats, we also enable flexible learning, independent of location and time, entirely according to your individual preferences.

  • 3. Talents@EmergingLeader program

    As part of our talent program, we support colleagues who stand out through their performance and potential. We use various modules to promote their personal development in a targeted manner. These include, for instance, networking events, exclusive training sessions, leadership exchange formats, coaching or mentoring programs.

  • 4. Growing@KPMG

    For our associates and managers, we offer specific and individually selected development measures to prepare them for a management career.



We encourage all our employees to use the Aufgabenticker@Law, an internal platform for assigning work. This not only ensures that workload peaks can be matched with free capacities, but also enables our employees to get to know new areas and exciting projects at the same time. Promoting professional and personal development through direct networking with other colleagues and teams is an important goal for us.

© 2024 KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, associated with KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, a public limited company under German law and a member of the global KPMG organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a Private English Company Limited by Guarantee. All rights reserved. For more details on the structure of KPMG’s global organisation, please visit

 KPMG International does not provide services to clients. No member firm is authorised to bind or contract KPMG International or any other member firm to any third party, just as KPMG International is not authorised to bind or contract any other member firm.
