KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH provided legal advice to the shareholder of BTR Lasertechnik GmbH from Chemnitz, Beate Porsche, on the sale of her company shares to WaCo Gerätetechnik GmbH based in Dresden.
BTR Lasertechnik GmbH is a subcontractor as well as small and large series manufacturer of customized and high-quality metal parts with 20 employees. Beate Porsche has sold the company to WaCo Gerätetechnik GmbH as part of its succession planning. The buyer is thus further expanding competencies in the field of laser technology and service. WaCo is a supplier of specific and high-quality sheet metal parts, assemblies, housings and control cabinets for the electrical, traffic and medical technology and sensor technology industries.
KPMG Law was mandated with a team led by Dresden office manager and partner Dr. Matthias Aldejohann to represent shareholder Beate Porsche in the contract negotiations.
Consultant Beate Porsche, BTR Lasertechnik GmbH:
KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH: Dr. Matthias Aldejohann (Partner, Lead, Legal Corporate Services), Steffen Lindner (Senior Manager, Labor Law), Inke Reuter (Senior Manager, Legal Corporate Services).
Dresden Site Manager
Head of Litigation & ADR
Galeriestraße 2
01067 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 21294411
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