KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (KPMG Law) is ranked joint first with CMS Germany in the current Law Firm Monitor. KPMG Law also dominates the “Top 100 Business Lawyers” category, taking the top four spots and six of the top ten overall. The ranking is based on the assessments of in-house lawyers.
KPMG Law was able to improve significantly last year and has now made it to the top of the firm ranking in the current edition – together with last year’s winner CMS. KPMG Law dominates the “Top 100 Business Lawyers” ranking, taking the first four places. This time, Dr. Ian Maywald (M&A) is clearly in front, followed by Dr. Matthias Aldejohann (Corporate), Inke Reuter (Real Estate) and last year’s winner Dr. Konstantin von Busekist (Compliance). With Dr. Christian Hensel (M&A) in seventh place and Steffen Lindner (Labor Law) in tenth place, a total of six KPMG Law representatives made it into the top ten.
Dr. Konstantin von Busekist, Managing Director of KPMG Law and himself on the list of the top ten lawyers, comments: “Year after year, the Law Firm Monitor is a sensitive indicator of legal excellence and service quality. Doing well here makes us proud and drives us at the same time – because no one else can judge our work as well as our clients.”
The tenth edition of the Kanzleimonitor is being published this year. The diruj – German Institute for Legal Departments & Corporate Counsel – presented the survey for the first time in 2013. This year, more than 900 companies participated in the study, providing a total of more than 8,000 recommendations. The Law Firm Monitor covers 32 areas of law at the interface between law and business. As in previous years, the most important areas of law are corporate law, employment law and M&A, in that order. Antitrust law, compliance, data protection law and capital markets law are also on the rise.
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