KPMG Law advised the listed company K+S AG on the establishment of a joint venture with the Remondis Group for long-term and resource-saving waste management solutions.
K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of K+S Aktiengesellschaft, and REMEX GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of REMONDIS SE & Co. KG, are bundling their waste management activities in a joint venture company (REKS GmbH & Co. KG) in which each partner has a 50 percent share. The new partnership offers the best conditions for meeting the growing demand for environmentally compatible waste disposal services and stands for long-term waste disposal security.
The transaction is subject to the condition precedent of antitrust clearance. Closing is expected in summer 2021.
K+S was comprehensively advised by KPMG Law partner Boris Schilmar and senior manager Sebastian Stöhr. In addition, the firm has also advised its client K+S on antitrust, labor, environmental and mining law. KPMG Law has been on the legal panel of K+S since April 2020 and has since been entrusted with corporate law issues as well as an M&A transaction.
In addition to the market-recognized experience of KPMG Law’s Corporate/M&A team, the decisive factors for the success were the Big Four firm’s broad expertise in transaction-relevant niche areas such as waste, environmental and mining law, the efficient project management of a large team of lawyers over several months, Schilmar’s experience in the management of complex transactions including the antitrust support provided by Partner Dr. Gerrit Rixen, as well as the excellent and goal-oriented cooperation with the legal department of K+S (Dr. Jens Christian Keuthen, Markus Ludwig).
Consultant K+S:
KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH: Dr. Dr. Boris Schilmar, Partner, Corporate/M&A, Head of International Business, Düsseldorf, Lead Partner, Dr. Gerrit Rixen, Partner, Antitrust Law, Cologne, Dr. Martin Trayer, Partner, Labor Law, Frankfurt am Main, Dr. Ulrich Keunecke, Partner, Capital Markets Law, Frankfurt, Sebastian Stöhr, Senior Manager, Jan Erik Schapmann, Senior Manager, both Corporate/M&A, Düsseldorf, Annette Lionnet, Senior Manager, Commercial Law, Nuremberg, Dr. Hannes Schwinn, Senior Manager, Antitrust Law, Stuttgart, Dr. Alexander Roos, Senior Manager, Antitrust Law, Düsseldorf, Isabella Ries, Senior Manager, Finance and Capital Markets Law, Frankfurt, Falk Hoffmann, Manager, Mining Law, Leipzig, Henning Klaus Wilhelm Bunte, Manager, Environmental/Waste Law, Hamburg, Dr. Anna Melikov, Manager, Corporate/M&A, Düsseldorf, Nicole Bohn, Senior Associate, Commercial Law, Nuremberg, Franz-Jakob Schipp, Associate, Arijan Shaboviq, Associate, both Corporate/M&A, Düsseldorf, Christoph Gröne, Associate, Antitrust Law, Düsseldorf
K+S Inhouse: Dr. Jens Christian Keuthen, Global Head of Legal, Markus Ludwig, Head of Corporate Law, Labor Law & Governance, Albert Kipp, Commercial Law
Consultant REMEX:
Grüter Attorneys at Law: Dr. Ina-Maria Böning, Partner, Eugen Löffler
About KPMG Law
KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (KPMG Law) is a dynamically growing, internationally oriented multidisciplinary law firm. Founded in 2007, we are now represented at 16 German locations with more than 350 attorneys who provide our clients with personal and needs-oriented advice. We also offer well-founded support in international matters: our lawyers can access the worldwide network of KPMG Law at any time, as well as the KPMG network through their cooperation partner KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.
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