KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (KPMG Law) provided legal advice to the shareholders of ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH (ROTOP), a provider of development and manufacturing capacities for radiodiagnostics and radiotherapeutics, based in Dresden-Rossendorf, on the negotiations regarding a participation of the healthcare specialists GENUI and SHS Capital.
ROTOP was founded in 1990 and is a supplier of radiopharmaceutical products. ROTOP manufactures cGMP-compliant radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and therapy in the fields of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging and distributes them in more than 40 countries worldwide. The market for radiopharmaceuticals has developed considerable momentum in recent years. Two years ago, ROTOP started to expand its CDMO (Contract Development & Manufacturing Organization) offering in order to meet the increasing demand and to be able to cover the clinical and commercial need for batch capacities in the future. GENUI and SHS Capital are participating in the investments. As part of the project, the KPMG Law team provided legal advice to the ROTOP shareholders on the structuring of GENUI’s and SHS’s investment, including the drafting and negotiation of transaction-related documents up to the successful closing. Advisors to ROTOP: KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH: Inke Reuter (partner, overall responsibility), Dr. Matthias Aldejohann (partner), Marcel Rogg (manager) and Aline Wogawa (manager).
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