The European Commission has commissioned KPMG Law to conduct a comprehensive study on the “Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive”, or AIFMD for short. The goal is to evaluate how the policy has performed in practice.
The assignment includes a study of the rules of the AIFMD and the experience gained in practice with their application. This is complemented by an evidence-based study of the extent to which the rules of the Directive are effective, efficient, relevant and consistent in achieving the objectives of the AIFMD, and what added value they have delivered for the EU. KPMG Law will compile the results of the survey and study in a single report volume.
KPMG Law Germany is leading the project and incorporating expertise from other KPMG practices across Europe as well as the KPMG EMA Regulatory Center of Excellence. KPMG Law Partner Ulrich Keunecke: “We will leverage the breadth and depth of capabilities in the KPMG network to deliver a comprehensive and meaningful study. This includes regulatory and statistical analysis, questionnaire design, industry knowledge, and understanding of investors and their business models.”
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