KPMG Law launches external project exchange “Flexible Workforce
KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (KPMG Law) has launched the “Flexible Workforce” portal, a project exchange that enables external lawyers to work on projects flexibly.
The portal is designed to meet the growing need for flexible employment. External lawyers, trainee lawyers, research assistants or working students can register on the portal, deposit their profile, and are actively approached by KPMG Law in the event of a match between the project and the profile.
“There are phases in life or career when flexibility is particularly important,” says Philipp Glock, who is responsible for the project at KPMG Law. “With
Flexible Workforce
we are meeting this need and at the same time gaining more flexibility ourselves, especially in large and complex projects.”
For the duration of the respective assignment, the external lawyers become full members of the KPMG Law project team. The selection ranges from well-known customers from the automotive, insurance and banking industries to the public sector. The projects run for an average of four to nine months and can thus be a welcome change between two jobs, provide valuable practical insights parallel to studying law, or even offer the opportunity to get to know the working world of a large law firm. After checking the basic suitability, the registered project workers can flexibly accept or reject the projects offered to them, or even string together several projects – depending on personal availability, interest and the requirements of the current life situation.
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