
Webcast Live Series: Coffee Break: Foreign Trade Law

The complex reporting obligations of the Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance are often overlooked – even though they represent a serious risk of fines.
In the webcast series “Coffee Break: Foreign Trade Law”, experts from KPMG and KPMG Law address this topic, explain the legal basis and highlight potential for optimization in practice.


Coffee Break: Foreign trade law – avoiding fines

Tuesday, 18.06.2024, 10:30 – 11:15 a.m.

Register now for 18.06.2024

In the next issue, the so-called self-inspection notification exempting from fines will be highlighted.
Anyone who fails to comply with the reporting obligation under the Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance or submits incomplete reports risks fines of up to 30,000 euros per violation.
Due to the large number of reports to be submitted, this can quickly add up to large sums – especially when calculated over years.
Such financial damage can be averted with the self-inspection report that exempts from fines.
In the webcast, you will find out under what conditions this is possible, how the process actually works and where the potential pitfalls lie.
Are you interested in this?
Then join us on June 18 from 10:30 to 11:15 am.
Register here now.



Target group

Our webcast is aimed at senior employees from the Treasury, Accounting, Compliance, Internal Audit, Customs and AWV departments.

Your contact for technical questions

Marion-Béatrice Venencie-Nolte, KPMG LAW Rechtsanwaltgesellschaft mbH, Berlin,
T: +49 30 530199 0,

Your contact person for organizational questions

Teresa Juretzko, KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Cologne,
T: +49 221 20736905,

Participation fee

Participation in the webcast is free of charge. Please note that you will need to dial into the German landline network, which may incur charges.

Registration conditions

For your registration please register directly on the webcast platform GoToWebinar. When registering online, you will receive an automatically generated registration confirmation incl. of the access link to the webcast.


KPMG LAW Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
in cooperation with
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft


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