27.03.2023 | Press releases

KPMG Law in Germany becomes a partner in the German Legal Tech Hub

Hanover, March 27, 2023

As one of the first partners, KPMG Law is now expanding the German Legal Tech Hub with its expertise and network.

GLTH co-founder and managing director Jörg Offenhausen explains: “The partnership with KMPG Law brings us a big step closer to our goal – a platform for open exchange on legal tech, RegTech and TaxTech solutions.”

As one of the leading law firms in Germany, KPMG Law has long been a pioneer in digitalization and innovation. “We recognized early on that digitization of the legal industry offers enormous opportunities to increase efficiency and transparency and thus create added value for our clients,” explains Philipp Glock, Head of Legal Corporate Services at KPMG Law. “By cooperating with the German Legal Tech Hub, we want to expand our expertise even further and work together to ensure the future viability of the legal industry.”

As a partner of the German Legal Tech Hub, KPMG Law will in future share its expertise in the areas of legal tech, digitalization and automation with the hub’s start-ups and established companies. The plan is to collaborate on projects to develop and implement innovative solutions for the legal industry. The focus will be both on the development of new technologies and on supporting start-ups in their implementation and integration into practice.

Start-ups of the German Legal Tech Hub gain access to extensive expertise and can benefit from many years of experience in the industry. The goal of GLTH is to advance the digitization and automation of legal services and thus increase effective performance in the legal industry.

“We are convinced that this partnership will be of great benefit to all parties involved,” commented Philipp Glock. “Together we will shape the future of the legal industry and develop innovative solutions that meet the needs of our clients* and users.”

The German Legal Tech Hub is the one-stop platform that connects legal tech players on and offline throughout Germany. It is a network supporting innovative start-ups and helps legal departments in companies and law firms to identify legal tech solutions suitable for them. GLTH brings together legal, technological and economic expertise.



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