KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (KPMG Law) advised HWP Handwerkspartner Group (HWP) on the acquisition of a majority stake in instakorr GmbH (instakorr).
KPMG Law carried out comprehensive legal due diligence on the transaction and supported the purchase agreement negotiations. KPMG Law worked with a cross-location team, primarily from the areas of corporate/M&A and employment law. Instakorr was founded in 2015 and is active in the field of cathodic corrosion protection (CCP), electrochemical chloride extraction (ECE) and corrosion monitoring of reinforced concrete structures. The company’s own hardware and software solution CAB|ONE also covers the field of “Corrosion Protection Technology”. Instakorr employs a total of around 40 people. Until the transaction was completed, the sole shareholders of instakorr were Mr. Gregor Gerhard and Mr. Armin Faulhaber. The HWP Handwerkspartner Group was founded in 2007 and employs around 1,350 people at over 20 locations in Germany and Luxembourg. The three main service areas include building protection, technical building equipment (TGA) including roofing and solar, as well as painting and finishing work. Since 2023, the majority shareholder of the HWP Handwerkspartner Group has been GRIP (Goldbeck Robens Industrial Partners), a holding company of the Goldbeck family of entrepreneurs from Bielefeld and the entrepreneur Björn-Hendrik Robens.
Consultants HWP Handwerkspartner Group
KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH: Dr. Christian Nordholtz (Partner, lead, Hanover), Marlon Wehrenberg (Manager, Hanover), Jesper Wilckens LL.M (Manager, Hanover), Markus Zawalich (Manager, Bielefeld), Maren Magdalena Jerebic (Senior Associate, Hanover), Linus Baar (Associate, Hanover), all Corporate/M&A; Dr. Martin Trayer (Partner), Dr. Julian Cahn (Manager), Fulya Neubert (Senior Associate), all Frankfurt a.M., all employment law.
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