Location Nürnberg
Bahnhofstraße 30
90402 Nürnberg
Tel.:+49 911 800929938
Mobil:+49 174 3011045
Location Essen
Alfredstraße 277
45133 Essen
Mobil:+49 174 3011045
European, constitutional, municipal and budgetary law Public commercial law Public procurement law Healthcare law EU state aid and subsidy law
His clients are cities, counties, municipalities, districts, special purpose associations and their public enterprises. Ulrich Blaschke accompanies them nationwide in the fulfillment of public tasks, be it in waste management, in the baths sector, in hospitals or theaters and cultural institutions. His focus is on complex contract awards and special projects in the municipal group. He is also happy to assist you with ongoing matters such as obligations under municipal law to pay taxes or questions regarding public supervisory board mandates. Through his honorary positions as a city councillor and in the Association of Cities and Towns, Ulrich Blaschke is also familiar with many issues from the perspective of his clients and can advise you with the necessary sensitivity for municipal practice.
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