Senior Manager
Location Frankfurt am Main
THE SQUAIRE Am Flughafen
60549 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.:069 9587 6813
Mobil:0151 2836 2766
Corporate law, mergers & acquisitions and reorganization
General corporate law
Reorganization and restructuring
Conversion law
Public law
Public commercial law
Eike Christian Westermann was admitted to the bar at the end of 2001. Until the end of 2020, he worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG and PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal AG Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft, initially in Frankfurt/Main and from 2008 as a partner in Düsseldorf. From 2009 to 2014, he headed the Public Commercial Law practice group there. Eike Christian Westermann has been a tax advisor since 2004, a mediator since 2013, a specialist lawyer for tax law since 2014, a certified consultant for criminal tax law (FU Hagen) since 2017 and a specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law since 2019. Eike Christian Westermann studied law at the University of Münster/Westphalia.
Consulting focus
Eike Christian Westermann advises on corporate law and public commercial law. The main focus of his work is consulting for the public sector, its institutions and companies. This includes, in particular, the support of restructuring projects such as network spin-offs, cooperation models or the transfer of municipal facilities to a private or public legal form, as well as the support for the corresponding political and corporate decision-making processes. He has special experience in the supply and disposal industry. In addition, Eike Christian Westermann is a speaker and author on tax and legal issues relating to the public sector.
Association of Tax Consultants NRW e.V.
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