With the Act on the Modernization of Partnership Law, MoPeG for short, partnerships will face major changes and thus also challenges as of January 1, 2024. The need for adaptation that this reform entails is highly individual and can range from a simple formality to the potential for conflict – in any case, however, it should be comprehensively prepared legally.
In the webcast “Need for adaptation due to MoPeG? Your way to an individual assessment”, the speakers will provide you with a sound insight and introduce you to KPMG Law’s audit center. This enables you to make an initial quick, reliable and cost-effective assessment of the need for adjustments to your specific articles of association.
Date: April 27 from 14:00 to 15:00. Register now free of charge.
Participation fee: free of charge
Responsible Event Manager: Franziska Jost, franziskajost@kpmg.com
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